Rev. Kenn Blanchard

Kenn Blanchard 2010 at 2 A Rally Washington DC

Reverend Kenneth Vincent Blanchard, Sr. (born 1962 - ) also known as Kenn Blanchard is an artist, musician, podcaster, and outdoorsman. Blanchard has sold his artwork, and published eight books. He has voiced commercials, sought to be a broadcast talent, and successfully became a podcaster and producer. He has lobbied for the right to keep and bear arms, and has owned firearms safety school. He has served as an ordained pastor, of a traditional Baptist church.  He has run for office in Prince Georges County, Maryland.  He has been married for thirty + years and raised two adult children.


The former US Marine sergeant served in two US Embassies. Afterwards he worked as a federal police officer, trainer, and protective agent with over has spent over twenty years in the Intelligence Community.  He has protected a US President, and three Directors of Central Intelligence.  He has traveled worked in thirteen hostile countries. 

As a conservative and a second amendment advocate, he was instrumental in the passing of concealed carry reform in 1992 for Virginia and Texas.  He has testified in the state legislatures of South Carolina, Michigan, Maryland, and Wisconsin. 

2014 Albany Gun Rally, 20,000 New Yorkers

Differences of opinion with Rev. Al Sharpton on his show, Sharp Talk

In 2019, he began reinventing himself to become an entertainer for nursing homes, hospitals, and social functions under the name and persona of Music by Spoon, after becoming a caregiver for his wife. Now he is focusing his time and talents to become a working musician.  Using social media, he encourages all to live, and being daring enough to just do that thing you’ve always wanted to do.


He wrote and published Black Man with A Gun, A Responsible Gun Ownership Manual for African Americans, in 1999, and the revised edition in 2014. He created a firearms consulting business called African American Arms & Instruction, (A3i) in 1992 and founded the Tenth Cavalry Gun Club, a national pro-gun organization for African Americans.

He is the recipient of the St. Gabriel Possenti Medal, from Possenti Society/Second Amendment Foundation, and the Harlon Carter award for Civil Rights from the National Rifle Association.

In 2000, he created the Black Man with A Gun URL and for over a decade was featured on talk radio and television, on the controversial subject of gun control and minorities. He has done commercials for TV against racist gun laws and been featured in Michael and Me by Larry Elder, Dickens in America, BBC/ Scotland Lion Films, and Not Without a Fight in 2009.  He has appeared on Rev. Al Sharpton’s, Sharp Talk, NPR, the Tavis Smiley Show, Tucker Carlson, CNN, and Fox News to name a few.

In 2001, he became a licentiate minister at Mount Sinai Baptist Church. He was ordained in 2007, and called to pastor the Historic Berean Baptist Church, in 2008. He is the founder of In the Wilderness Ministries (internet ministry) and the Forgiven Christian riders an international motorcycle ministry that helped churches utilize the motorcyclist in their congregations to evangelize. He continues to minister and preach online with the Speak Life Church podcast.